We are Neet and Wendy and we would like to welcome you to our fortnightly challenge, ‘Artful Times’, where we are offering a variety of challenges to inspire you to create in whichever style or medium of crafting you enjoy. You never know, we might even inspire you to create something out of your comfort zone and try out something new.

Yes like all challenge sites we have rules and guidelines. We hope you will read and follow them, we have Oyster Stamps as our sponsor, and of course, a winner and runner up will be chosen each month. We may also have the occasional guest designer.

Friday 3 August 2012

Challenge 10

Good afternoon to all you talented crafters and thank you all who managed to take part in the "Travels in Europe Tag", some very inspirational tags.   :)

Are you all enjoying the Olympic Games ? If not then welcome to a sports free zone lol .

Von here taking you back a few years to when Mona Lisa was one of the most popular images, but she hardly gets an outing these days so thought it would be nice to bring her back into the spotlight. You can make anything you like.  Here are the pieces from the Design Team:

    Von a hanging


 Neet a bookmark

    Sam an atc

Please remember to follow the rules, just link up to your creation and not your blog, do not enter into more than 5 challenges with your one piece in order to be in with a chance of winning the £10 voucher from our wonderful sponsors Oyster Stamps.  (Full details are at the top of the page under rules and guidelines.)


Helen said...

Now you have set a tough one here... let me get my thinking cap on - I am loving the Olympics so I could be some time....!!

Rosie said...

Thank you for this wonderful challenge. I don't like sports. So I stamped.

The creations of the DT are gorgeous.

Have a nice weekend

Jenny Marples said...

Hmmm. This is going to be a challenge indeed as I don't have a Mona Lisa image to my name. Still, where there's a will... Hugs, Buttons x

chrissie said...

What fantastic pieces from you at Artful for this challenge. I feel inspired even though I am watching hours and hours of Olympics lol

I haven't a Mona Lisa stamp but I have seen the real thing in the Louvre so will think of something:)

Love Chrissie xxxx

Gráinne said...

Yupp, I agree, for me it's a tough one, too. I have to reveal myself as a philistine, I don't know much about ML and own just one stamp with her image - but still. Hope you don't mind if I don't take it too seriously :-)
Interesting challenge and the pieces of the DT are awesome as always.

Unknown said...

Lovely to see the Mona stamp in action. I may have one or two of these! Love what you have done with yours.

Sandra's Spot said...

Love the theme Von, and the DT pieces are brilliant. Must get my thinking cap on. Hugs Sandra X

Valerie-Jael said...

Nice work from you all. I had fun making this one! Valerie

Meggymay said...

Loved the inspiration, I had a great time with this challenge.
Yvonne x

Julia S-W said...

Well, I got there in the end despite having a very slow start when I saw the Mona challenge theme! Thanks for the challenge even though my brain cells ran a marathon trying to think of something!! Love your pieces girls.

Francesca said...

It has taken me to nearly the last minute again to enter, but I made it. Tough chanllenge. DT items are great. Francesca