We are Neet and Wendy and we would like to welcome you to our fortnightly challenge, ‘Artful Times’, where we are offering a variety of challenges to inspire you to create in whichever style or medium of crafting you enjoy. You never know, we might even inspire you to create something out of your comfort zone and try out something new.

Yes like all challenge sites we have rules and guidelines. We hope you will read and follow them, we have Oyster Stamps as our sponsor, and of course, a winner and runner up will be chosen each month. We may also have the occasional guest designer.

Friday 27 March 2015

Challenge 77 In the Style of Tim Holtz

PLEASE NOTE we have some rules for our challenge and one is that you should not enter your work on here if it is also going to be entered in more than another four challenges.  Sorry.

The heading says "in the Style of Tim Holtz" but really we would be quite happy if it was in your own style but using Tim type things.  "Reminiscent of" is perhaps a better way of describing this challenge and we would love to see what you can do.

Tim gives so much inspiration on his blog, has given us his 12 tags for a few years now and shows us new things to do, new products to use and is very charismatic in his You Tube videos.  So you see, there is a lot of inspiration out there to whet your appetite so why not have a go and join us in our latest challenge.

Here are a couple of things we came up with for you to look at

Neet followed Tims March recipe

Wendy made a set of drawers from two reed diffuser boxes.

Now why not join in and upload something in the style of Tim Holtz?  Go on, you know you want to.

Friday 13 March 2015

New Challenge - 76 - A Tag with a Pocket

Thanks for the entries last week, some beauties on display for us to see.

This week we are asking you to make a tag with a pocket.  The tag can be any size or technique you choose.  It can have something in the pocket or be left empty.

Neet chose to make a tag in the Egyptian style, as she decided these were her least used stamps, along with Greek/Roman and they deserved an airing.  She also decided to make her extra tags black and white, as she had an idea of where they were going to be sent, and this would allow the recipient to colour them herself.  So here is Neet's tag:

Wendy chose to make a seaside tag with a small book inside of seaside images.

Now what will you do?  Hope we get some entries for this as tags seem to be popular and pockets are too.  What style will you do?

Friday 6 March 2015

Winner Challenges 73 & 74

Sorry I am late with this edition but the computer has been playing up an awful lot tonight.  No excuse, should have done it before today.  Anyway, here we are and we have a winner

We just loved the mask that Carole had done and wanted to be in Venice for the Mardi Gras wearing such a creation so we decided that we would have Carole as our Winner this month.  So Well Done and Congratulations Carole, please get in touch with Neet for your Blinkie which we hope you will display on your blog with pride.

It really was a hard decision to make to choose two entries from the lovely work we had been sent to our blog but eventually we narrowed it down to two and then we had to work out which was our winner and which was our runner up.

We have already shown you the winner so who was our runner up?  It was Krazy Jayne and her friend Trendy Theodore.  If you have not been to her blog page when she entered this challenge I strongly advise you to do so.  It was such a fun post - thank you Jayne.  Please email Neet for your blinkie to be sent to you.

Thanks to everyone who sticks with us week after week and also to those of you who just pop in, it makes life much more interesting when we can visit your blogs.

Neet's email addie is on the side panel on her blog