We are Neet and Wendy and we would like to welcome you to our fortnightly challenge, ‘Artful Times’, where we are offering a variety of challenges to inspire you to create in whichever style or medium of crafting you enjoy. You never know, we might even inspire you to create something out of your comfort zone and try out something new.

Yes like all challenge sites we have rules and guidelines. We hope you will read and follow them, we have Oyster Stamps as our sponsor, and of course, a winner and runner up will be chosen each month. We may also have the occasional guest designer.

Friday 27 July 2012

Challenges 7 & 8 Winner & Runner Up Announced

Oh this one was so hard for us to choose a winner and a runner up.  There were so many really lovely entries that it was almost impossible for us to choose one to be the winner but in the end we went with an entry from Von's theme "Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside".

Now you all want to know who the winner is ...

Don't you ...

Well the Winner who receives a gift voucher to the value of £10 from our wonderful Sponsors, Oyster Stamps, is ...

Meggymay (Meggy's Way)

Well done and now please get in touch with Neet within the next seven days (email address on the side of her blog) and she will give you the code for this month's winner.  Neet will also send you the blinkie which we hope you will proudly display on your own blog.  Just check the terms and conditions of the prize above - read "Our Sponsor" - so you are aware of the terms and conditions.

OK, so you all know who the winner is, guess you want to know who is our runner up.  Funnily enough that comes from the other challenge that was Sam's choice - "A Mode of Transport".  Again a very difficult decision but this time we decided to go with Valerie (Bastelmania) who should now get in touch with Neet for her Blinkie.

Here are the two entries chosen - well done ladies!


Runner Up

Friday 20 July 2012

A Trip to Europe on a Tag

First of all can I remind you that we do have RULES and I would urge you to read them as we have had some super entries that we would maybe have liked to have made into "winners" but because they did not follow the rules we couldn't.  Just spare a minute or two to read them please - then you can be in with a chance to win a prize from our Sponsors, Graham and Tracey at Oyster Stamps.

It is the holiday season, the time we all used to have "Annual Wakes Week", do you remember those (showing my age here)?  Nowadays people go off at different times but owing to children not being taken out of school most people have an annual holiday July/August time.

Well, the weather has been atrocious, worse June in 100 years or so they say, July is not that much better as yet so with that in mind I thought we should all venture overseas and visit somewhere in Europe.  I've also tied you into a "tag" for this Challenge, hope you don't mind.

Here's what the team have made

Sam went all Red, white and blue with her Pan Pastels for her trip to France's capital city.

Von had a little tour and took in some of the sights of France, Italy and the Netherlands.

And I (Neet) joined Sam in Gay Paree with a vista of the city.

I wonder where you will take us?  We are all looking forward to having a journey with you, afterall, if this weather does not buck up we need something to cheer us.  Hope to see you joining in, we have had some super entries in the past and we have over 100 followers now.  Thank you one and all.

Friday 6 July 2012

Challenge # 8 - A Mode of Transport

Thanks to all of you who took part in the last challenge, it would have been nice if the sun had come out and we could have gone to the seaside, but alas this British weather did it's own thing again and mostly rained!!!

Also a huge thank you to all that follow us as we have just hit 102 followers, which is a fabulous target in such a short space of time.

So onto challenge #8.  I've chosen 'a mode of transport' for the theme.  It can be any method which suits your purpose, using any medium and displayed how you would like.

So here's what we created:

Von made a tag with her collections of bicycles!!

Neet went for a Penny Farthing die cut card

And lastly I went for T!m's old jalopy!!!

Please remember to follow the rules, just link up to your creation and not your blog, do not enter into more than 5 challenges with your one piece, in order to be in with a chance of winning the £10 voucher from our wonderful sponsors OYSTER STAMPS.  (Full details are at the top of the page under rules and guidelines.)