We are Neet and Wendy and we would like to welcome you to our fortnightly challenge, ‘Artful Times’, where we are offering a variety of challenges to inspire you to create in whichever style or medium of crafting you enjoy. You never know, we might even inspire you to create something out of your comfort zone and try out something new.

Yes like all challenge sites we have rules and guidelines. We hope you will read and follow them, we have Oyster Stamps as our sponsor, and of course, a winner and runner up will be chosen each month. We may also have the occasional guest designer.

Friday 5 June 2015

Our Final Winner

Whoa!  What a decision.  In our eyes you are all winners and so we both came up with a list of our favourites from the last three challenges -

A Bit of Finnabair
Hot Pink & Orange, and
Party Party

The names were then put in a hat and the first one pulled out was our winner

Strangely Creative

Our first runner up was


and our final runner up 
(we decided to have two this time - one from each challenge)


Congratulations ladies, I will send you your blinkies in the next few days.  Remember everyone though - we class you all as winners - thanks for the support you have given to us over the years. Now to put this edition, well and truly ... to bed.

Friday 22 May 2015

Challenge 81 and Au Revoir - Party Party (sort of "Anything Goes")

It's Neet here.  Well, "D Day" has arrived and this is our final post for this Challenge blog.  I can honestly say I have had some really happy times, have made lots of Blog Buddies along the way who I will probably never meet but there are some Blog Buddies who I have met and found that they are every bit as nice as their blogs portray.

I cannot sign off from this blog without reiterating what was said in the very first blog post -  and sending a huge thank you to one special lady - "all the artwork for the blog was down to Sam and I was, and still am, indebted to her for her patience as we pushed and pulled a zillion suggestions at her (not really so many but it felt like it at times)."  Imagine three women trying to agree on one thing!

So once again, THANK YOU SAM!  Thanks for all the work you did to get Artful Times off the ground, for being a great team member, super Guest Designer and most of all, a friend who popped in to help when times were bleak for me.

Thanks also to Von, Chrissie and Wendy.  Especially Wendy who has done every single challenge from the very beginning of this blog and stepped into the role of a DT member in March 2014 and supported me through thick and thin when I was on my own with a blog I did not want to give up on. However a year on and I have decided that enough is enough and I am ready to be able to join in with challenges on other blogs and I know Wendy feels very much the same.

Wendy here. I have really enjoyed being on the design team, and seeing all your lovely art. I hope some of you will keep in touch and I will enjoy looking at your blogs. Now I will have to ask someone what day it is, instead of working towards our Friday deadlines.

Thanks must also go to Oyster Stamps who provided us with prizes for such a long time.  It was OUR decision to abandon giving out a prize and nothing to do with Oyster Stamps.  When we were only getting a very small number of entries we felt it unfair for Oyster to be sending prizes out - we did intend giving prizes, via them, once the numbers picked up - but sadly they didn't.

Back to the beginning - Our very first challenge was to create a tag and these are what we came up with



and mine (Neet) (which I still have on my wall)

Well, if you have stuck with reading up to now and not signed off in sheer boredom Wendy and I would love you to join in with this last Challenge which is "PARTY PARTY" (can be interpreted as "Anything Goes" as long as it is happy and maybe creates a 'party atmosphere')

So we started with our first offerings way back - now here are our two final DT pieces (Please note that the end date is the 3rd June at 23.55):

Wendy has made a card with the theme of Alice in Wonderland.

Neet has done a page in her journal

Thanks must go to all of you who have entered, at some time, in our challenges and special thanks to those of you who have kept going through the leaner times of late.

Hope to see you in blogland.

Neet xx

Friday 8 May 2015

Challenge 80 - Hot Pink & Orange

Well, sorry to be saying this but we have given this challenge blog a great deal of thought.  Do we carry on or not?  The decision has been made to bring it to an end and this will be our Penultimate Challenge - when my subscription to Mr Linky runs out.

This challenge was first started with Sam, Von and myself with the announcement that we were to have a new blog made on the 21st March 2012.  Our very first challenge was to make a tag.  Must check on how many entries we had that time.

Please join in with us this week and again in a fortnight when we will be hosting our very last Challenge.

Wendy's choice here of theme and one which makes us think of hot sunny beaches and the lovely warmer weather to get your juices flowing.

I, Neet, did a page in my new journal

Wendy did a page for her art journal

Now what will you do?  Will it be hot hot hot or pretty pretty pretty?  Come and join us please.