We are Neet and Wendy and we would like to welcome you to our fortnightly challenge, ‘Artful Times’, where we are offering a variety of challenges to inspire you to create in whichever style or medium of crafting you enjoy. You never know, we might even inspire you to create something out of your comfort zone and try out something new.

Yes like all challenge sites we have rules and guidelines. We hope you will read and follow them, we have Oyster Stamps as our sponsor, and of course, a winner and runner up will be chosen each month. We may also have the occasional guest designer.

Friday 15 August 2014

Challenge 62 - Sewing

*Entries must fully comply with the fortnightly theme (this means your creation must follow the rules of the theme set).

*Please link directly to your entry and not just to your blog (this means only link the address for your post to the challenge and not the general address of your blog).  For instructions on how to do this please see page 'Making a Direct Link'.
*Please ensure you make a link back to this challenge blog in your post (this means you need to include a link to Artful Times Challenge blog when writing up your post).  For instructions on how to do this please see page 'Linking Back'.
*Please write a brief description of how you created your entry and some of the materials used, even if it's only a brief list at the end of your posting, as it's nice to know what was used and how it's been done.
*Please do not back link to previous posts prior to the date of the challenge.
*A maximum of 5 challenges may be combined.
*You may enter the challenge several times as long as each entry is with a different creation.
*We encourage you to visit each other's blogs and leave a comment, even ours, it means a lot!

*If you have 'Word Verification' may we ask that you please turn it off, as this makes commenting easier for everyone, especially with the new blogger words which are difficult to read at times.  The comment moderation seems to be a more successful way of avoiding unwanted comments.
*Link your entry before 17.55 on the following Thursday.
*Any entries which do not follow the above challenge guidelines may not be commented on by the DT and will not be entered into the prize draw.

Thank you to all you brave people who joined in with our Kinetic Challenge.  We were both surprised at how many entries we actually got.  Well done!

Sewing is the new Challenge:

For this challenge we ask you to make anything with the theme of "sewing".  This can be a book page, journal, tag, card etc or can be a pincushion, napkin, bag and so on.  Easy Peasy what!

To set you off in the mood here is what we did:

Wendy made a page for a book

Neet did a page in her journal

Looks like we both had the same idea again - coincidence or what?  Now what will you do?  Hope you join in with the fun but don't forget to read the rules and guidelines above please.

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