This challenge is just about that, leave your card "clean and simple" but do include some stamping. The image you use can be placed anywhere on your card, top left, bottom right, centre, whatever but it must be surrounded by a nice area of 'nothing'. You can put a simple greeting (Thank you, Happy Birthday etc) on it as well if you wish but not cluttered up please.
However, it does not have to be a card, it could be a tag, a canvas or whatever you think to use as long as you keep it Clean and Simple.
Incidentally, I did contact LIM to ask if they minded us doing this particular challenge and the answer was that it was fine.
Here is what Von did (I want that lettering set)
and here is mine
Strange we both chose to do a square card - mine was going to be a canvas but as usual, I ran out of time. Look forward to seeing what you all make.
You will note that the thumbnails we had in the past have disappeared. We are now just linking with your name - hope this does not put some of you off.
Please remember to read the rules, link to the actual challenge and not just your blog, a maximum of four other challenges may be entered (no more please), link back to this blog, include a description of what you did/used etc. Rules and Guidelines are at the top for you to read.
You will note that the thumbnails we had in the past have disappeared. We are now just linking with your name - hope this does not put some of you off.
Please remember to read the rules, link to the actual challenge and not just your blog, a maximum of four other challenges may be entered (no more please), link back to this blog, include a description of what you did/used etc. Rules and Guidelines are at the top for you to read.