
Friday 30 January 2015

Men Challenge 73

Gosh, here we are with our third challenge of the year and the subject is MEN.  Make a card or something suitable for a man and submit it along with our samples.  A lot of people shy away from making cards for males so it is always a good one to have for a challenge and then you cam look back for some ideas.  Why not give it a go then!

Here is the card Neet made

Here is Wendy's tag

You have two weeks to join in with the fun - we would love to see your work.

Friday 16 January 2015

Challenge 72 - Time

This time we are asking you to make something with Time on. This can be anything you want, a card, tag, object, anything as long as it is time orientated. Thank you to those you made their inchies, I hope we see lots of you join in this time.

                                                                Neet made a card

Wendy altered a cog book

Friday 2 January 2015

Make 6 inchies out of your received Christmas cards - Challenge 71

Happy New year to you all, as we start off the New Year with an easy challenge. We would like you to make 6 inchies out of the Christmas cards you have received, how easy is that ! You can alter them, add bits, or just use them as they are.
Wendy had made hers with a bird theme, and placed them on a dark blue background, with added bits. This was then made into a Christmas card.

Here is another one to give you some more ideas.
